Hello, Welcome to SAE

expand what you can do

SAE allows for the unique opportunity to expand your ability as an engineer. You can chose to be active in SAE and push yourself, or casually learn more about related fields. 


Participate in team-based projects that boost your knowledge as an engineer and let you apply your knowledge.


Join workshops to increase your knowledge in several facets, including CAD design, automotive science, and machine manufacturing.


Learn automotive science and theory from other members, professors, and guest speakers. 

Project Management

Gain invaluable project management experience that employers look for.

SAE Mini Baja

Get the opportunity to be involved with the Baja team and increase your chances of being a member your senior year.


SAE gives you the opportunity to boast your skills and build your resume, all while making you a better engineer.

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to improve yourself and showcase your skills!

The content of this site is solely that of Society of Automotive Engineers, a registered student organization at the University of Arkansas, and does not in any way reflect the views of the University of Arkansas.

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