Rush ΘΧ

Why Rush Theta Chi at Arkansas?

The Kappa Zeta Chapter, though young, has an impressive record of defying all expectations placed upon us. We consistently rank at the top in Fraternity GPA and above the all men’s average. Kappa Zeta has enjoyed several intramural championship victories and even took home the Kappa Delta Shamrock Dodgeball Championship trophy in 2018. Our members’ involvement in student organizations on and off campus reflects the importance we place on individual achievement. Kappa Zeta believes in “Alma Mater first. Theta Chi for Alma Mater.” Being a Theta Chi at the University of Arkansas is one that is unique to greek life at our school. It’s challenging but it’s an experience that is truly rewarding. Our founders coined this saying about our chapter “Being involved in a greek life helps you be more prepared for the workforce. At Theta Chi, however, we pride ourselves on inspiring our men to lead the workforce.”

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