Dr. Alan Mantooth
Chapter Advisor
Katie Skiles
As President, I create the meeting agendas and lead weekly officer meetings where we discuss upcoming events and coordinate the initiation process. I also lead initiate events such as the eligibility meeting, Smoker, and initiation. It’s my responsibility to understand all officer positions well so I can delegate tasks appropriately and make sure every officer feels supported in their position and help when needed. I am the main line of communication between the chapter advisors, registrar’s office, TBP nationals and district personnel, and the officer group.
Colton Gattis
As Treasurer, my main duties revolve around the upkeep and organization of our RSO account. This involves maintaining a budget, facilitating reimbursements, and writing checks for account statements. Some of my other duties revolve around purchasing items for initiation, planned events, and graduation.
Leo Black
Vice President
As Vice President, I’m responsible for organizing the Initiation ceremony, national and district convention attendance, and member career fair benefits for the AR Alpha chapter. This involves tasks like making the TBP nametags and submitting the resume book for the career fair, and reserving a room and any necessary materials for Initiation. Moreover, I assist with any tasks the President (or another officer) needs help with, and put together most of the interest forms for things like member committees!
Lily Hong
Recording Secretary
Siddhi Bhat
Recording Secretary
As one of the recording secretaries, my duties are 1) keeping up with the scaled points for members and attendance points for initiates, and 2) helping with the meeting minutes for officer meetings.
Essentially, the main purpose of my role is to carry out communication and correspondence throughout the chapter. This involves a weekly email update to all members, as well as keeping an accurate and up-to-date list of names and email addresses of active members/initiates.
Brandon Tipton
Corresponding Secretary
You are the keeper of the records, as a Corresponding Secretary. You are the direct contact to headquarters, so all the exciting tasks of paperwork are done by this role. You report who is participating in initiation, transitioning into any officer position, and any updates/changes that happen throughout the semester. Very light work week to week that ramps up when reports are due.
![IMG_9275 (002)](https://rso.uark.edu/tbp/files/2023/02/IMG_9275-002.jpg)
Julliana Renales
Initiate Trainer
Initiate Trainer helps the initiates meet all initiate requirements. This includes communicating facilitating inviting initiates to the smoker, helping them make their boards and bents, as well as helping them reach their event requirements. It is a really great way to be very active in Tau Beta Pi and be able to connect with both current members and new members!
Adedoyin Abe
Graduate Coordinator
My name is Adedoyin Abe and I serve as Graduate and Scholarship coordinator. I invite and facilitate the initiation of graduate students and ensure the correct documentation is turned in to HQ. For scholarships, I administrate the evaluation of the scholarship from the advisors and collate the responses for Dr. Mantooth to decide on final amounts. Finally, I work with the COE to ensure the scholarships show up in your UAConnect. I also find and evaluate faculty candidates to be initiated as Eminent Engineer.
Hector Apodaca Reyes
Program Chair
As the chapter’s Program Chair, my duties are to:
– Be the contact with faculty/staff for events and programs
– Plan social events for the chapter
– Make reservations for Tau Beta Pi events
Lance Cordes
Service Chair
My role as the Service Chair is to plan and coordinate the Service events for our Tau Beta Pi chapter. This involves coordinating cleanups with the city of Fayetteville, working with the food pantry to run food and hygiene drives, and planning specific Tau Beta Pi service events for our members and initiates.