We proudly announce our new graduates from BDSO –

  • Md Rakib Shahriar,
    Ph.D., Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
  • Samrat Nath,
    Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering
  • S.M. Nahian Al Sunny,
    Ph.D., Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
  • Apu Chandra Das,
    M.Sc., Department of Statistics and Analytics

Our heartiest congratulations on your hard-earned achievements. This accomplishment is no mean foot. All those years of hard work, exhaustion, self-doubt, and tenacity culminate in this degree. We were so lucky to have you in BDSO. We are thankful for the supports and guidance that you provided. Now, you are moving on to a new and exciting chapter in your life. We wish you all the best for the future that lies ahead.

The content of this site is solely that of Bangladesh Student Organization, a registered student organization at the University of Arkansas, and does not in any way reflect the views of the University of Arkansas.