The club’s current station resides in the Science and Engineering on the UA campus, room 736 (SCEN 736) and is equipped for operation on all HF bands (80m – 10m including WARC) as well as the VHF/UHF (2m and 70cm) bands. We are equipped for voice, telegraphy, packet (data), radioteletype (RTTY), and other digital modes. W5YM is also equipped for automated tracking of Amateur Radio Satellites.
*Updates coming soon…..
Kenwood TS790A
KLM 40CX/22C 2m/70cm array on top of shack
Yaesu G5400B rotators pointed by a variation of the WA8SME tracker
Kenwood TM7800
PacComm Tiny II TNC
2m Ringo Ranger
70cm Ringo Ranger
Kenwood TS-450S for 60 meter operation
Icom IC-756 Pro III for digital operations
Yaesu FT-1000MP for primary phone operations
Kenwood TS-940S for backup
TH6DXX tribander (10-15-20m) on ~50′ Rohn 45G (from estate of Alan Glass N5HG [EE ’34?]). The TH6DXX was donated by W5XH.
Trap WARC Dipole (30-17-12m)
90′ Broadband Folded Dipole
Drake L4-B
Kenwood TS-430 – Field Day / back up radio
Kenwood TS-440S for backup
Both the FT-1000MP and the TS-940S are feeding Kenwood TL-922 amplifiers; the IC-756 Pro III is feeding the Drake L4-B amplifier.