LASA Bylaws

Latino Alumni Scholars Association

Preamble: We, the members of the Latino Alumni Scholars Association are part of an organization with a purpose to expand student involvement on campus and in the community through promoting academics, community service, and professional development.

Article I: NameThe name of the organization shall be the Latino Alumni Scholars Association (LASA).

Article II: PurposeIt shall be the purpose of LASA to promote academic awareness and encourage those who excel in leadership and community service. The Latino Alumni Scholarship will accomplish its goals through the use of a peer mentoring program, mandated professional development workshops, mandated volunteer hours in both the community and the university, and GPA regulations.

Article III:Membership and Eligibility Requirements
 Section A: Membership is required by the recipients of Latino Alumni Society and open to students of the University of Arkansas.
 Section B: The fiscal year of the organization shall be from August 1stto July 31st.

Article IV:Voting
 Section A: A quorum will be three-fourths of the entire association.
 Section B: Each member in good standing may vote.
 Section C: No proxy voting will be allowed.

Article V:Officers
 Section A: The Latino Alumni Scholars Association must have a Presidentand Treasurer. LASA shall haveVice President, Secretary, and Outreach Director officers.
 Section B: These officers comprise of the Executive Committee.All officers must be members of the LatinoAlumni Society Scholars, maintain a 2.5GPA, be enrolled as a student, and not be on academic or disciplinary probation.
 Section C: The term of office shall be August 1stto July31st.
 Section D: Election of officers shall be held annually. At least two-weeknotice shall be given before the election meeting. Nominations shall be initiated from the floor and elections done by a ballot. The person receiving majority vote will be elected.
 Section E: Any officer may be removed from office due to having a GPA below 2.5, notbeing enrolled as a student, and being on academic or disciplinary probation at any time during term.
 Section F: If any office becomes vacant due to resignation, graduation, low GPA, etc. the organization has the power to temporarily appoint someone to fill the vacancy. The person appointed must be approved by a two-third vote.

Article VI: Duties of Officers
 Section A: The President 1.The president shall be the chief executive officer 2.The president shall work with the advisor(s), treasurer, and the entire association to plan activities, events, and programs 3.Vacancies in offices will be filled by appointment of the President with approval of the general membership.
 Section B: The Vice President
1. The vice president shall be the parliamentarian for the organization.
2. The vice president shall assume the duties of the president should the office become vacant, or in the absence of the president. 3. The vice president will keep and have available current copies of the constitution and bylaws.
 Section C: The Secretary
1.The secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of all general; meetings and the meetings of the executive board.
2.The secretary will provide a copy of the minutes to the advisor(s) and keep a master file.
3.The secretary shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance.
 Section D: Treasurer
1.The treasurer shall keep a current record of all financial transactions for events, programs, and activities.
2.The treasurer shall work with the advisor(s) to apply for funding from ASG (Associated Student Government)
3.The treasurer shall work with the advisors and president to plan activities, events, and programs.
 Section E: Volunteer Service Chair
1.The volunteer service chair shall track volunteer hours for all members.
2.The volunteer service chair shall work with advisors to plan community service activities for the fiscal year.
3.The volunteer service chair will provide theadvisor(s) with a final copy of all members’ volunteer hours each semester.
Section F: Social Media Chair
1. The social media chair shall coordinate marketing for the association.
2. The social media chair shall be responsible for t-shirt designs for the LASA association.
3. The social media chair shall be responsible for the upkeep of LASA social media networks.
 Section G: Advisor
1.The advisor shall assist the group in their execution of roles and responsibilities.
2.The advisor shall provide feedback to the organization regarding its operation and functioning.
3.The advisor shall serve as a resourceand a sponsor for any purpose.
4.The advisor should provide advice upon request, and also should share knowledge, expertise, and experience with the group.
5.The advisor will be a nonvoting member of the organization.

Article VII: Structure of Committees
 Section A: Committee Identification and AppointmentCommittees (other than Executive Board) shall be appointed by the executive board subject to ratification by the organization during a regular business meeting.
 Section B: The duties of the standing committees shall include assisting the advisor(s) in planning and carrying out activities and events specific to the committee.

Article VIII: Meetings
 Section A: Meetings shall occur once per month.
 Section B: At least 24-hour notice shall be given foreach excused absent.

Article IX: Parliamentary Procedure
 Section A: The rules may be suspended by two-thirds vote of the present membership.

Article X: Constitution
This constitution may be amended at any time by a majority(50% +1)vote. The constitution will be reviewed on an annual basis each fall semester and submitted to the Office of Student Activities.

Article XI: Statement of Non-discrimination:
Students have the right not to be discriminated against by any agent or organization, including recognized student organizations, of the University of Arkansas for reasons of age, creed, ethnic or national origin, gender, disability, marital status, political or social affiliation, race, religion, or sexual orientation. This policy will include, but not limited to, recruiting, membership, organization activities, or opportunities to hold office.

The content of this site is solely that of LASA, a registered student organization at the University of Arkansas, and does not in any way reflect the views of the University of Arkansas.

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