IBM Master the Mainframe
The flagship mainframe computing contest sponsored by IBM is back again this year with some major changes. If you’ve never participated before then rest assured you need no computing skills beyond what it takes to find their website(Hint: check the bottom of this post) and they’ll walk you into the rest.
All you need to participate is to be above thirteen and a student.
Prizes: ● Part 1 Prizes: Snag your Swag ○ $25 USD Amazon/Alibaba/IBM Logo Store Gift Card for 750 contestants, taken from the first 3000 accepted challenges (a 1 in 4 chance) that are 100% correct. ● Part 2 Prizes: Indulge Yourself ○ $100 USD Mastercard/Visa Gift Cards for the first 200 challenges that are 100% correct. ● Part 3 Prizes: Show Off Your Talent ○ The top 2 individuals from EACH region (N. America, Latin America, S. Asia, APAC, MEA, and Europe) will win a $2750 travel stipend to visit the head office of IBM in their region and meet with key executives and recruiters on their project. ○ Each winning individual will receive a “Master the Mainframe Global Winner” Hoodie. ○ The top three individuals globally will receive an HTC Vive worth $799 USD. |
More information including the sign-up can be found on their website.
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